IDEAS DON'T HAPPEN because they are great—or by accident The misconception thatgreatideasinevitably lead tosuccess has prevailed fortoo long. Whetheryou have the perfect solution for an everyday problem or a boldnewconcept for a creative masterpiece, you must transformvisioninto reality. Farfrom beingsomestroke of creative genius, thiscapacity to make ideas happen canbedeveloped byany one. You just need to modify your organizational habits, engage a broader community, and developyour leadership capability. This book aims to take pie-in-the-sky notions of how the cre ative process unfolds andbringthemdown to earth. Creative people are known for winging it: improvising and acting on intuition is, in some way, the haloed essenceof what we do and who we are. How ever, when we closely analyze howthe mostsuccessful and produc tive creatives, entrepreneurs, and businesspeople truly make ideas happen, it turns out that "having the idea" is just a smallpart of the process, perhaps only 1 percent of the journey. MAKING IDEAS HAPPEN - OVERCOMING THE OBSTACLES BETWEEN VISION AND REALITY by Scott Belsky 2010

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