# Poetry

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Brush Up Your Poetry! by Michael Macrone is a book that traces hundreds of sayings, mottoes, and maxims to their roots in some of the greatest poetry. The book includes classic verses and well-known phrases from poets such as Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Whitman, Yeats, Eliot, and Frost. The book places all the memorable lines in context, enabling readers to enjoy the poetry, and all the poets are described in concise sketches showing their hearts, minds, and meaning. The book reminds us that poetry is not only alive and well, but also a language we actually speak every day.

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Learn about poet and children's book writer Eleanor Farjeon, who was born into an artistic family and was tremendously influenced by the creative energy around her. Farjeon's most famous work, Martin Pippin in the Apple-Orchard, was intended for adult readers but eventually became known as a children's book, and she achieved fame as a writer for children. She was prolific, penning works for both adults and children.

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